Cat on a Book

Moutz and Bobine
Moutz and Bobine
Moutz and Bobine
Moutz and Bobine

Moutz and Bobine

Original title : Moutz et Bobine
Publisher : La poule qui pond
Collection : Picture books
Author : Arnaud Tiercelin
Illustrator/Photographer : Stéphane Nicolet
Age : 6+
Format : Hard cover
Pages : 42
220 x 220 mm
16 €

Content : Discussion between a wolf and a sheep, on each other's place and on friendship.

Moutz, the wolf, is alone and sad. Bobine, the sheep, seeks calm away from his large family. They meet in the woods. At first, Bobine is afraid: wolves eat sheep.
Will they get along and get to know each other?

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