Cat on a Book



Original title : Frankenstein
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : Monsters and Legends
Author : Hélène Kérillis
Illustrator/Photographer : Vincent Roché
Age : 8/9+
Category : Novels 8-11+
Format : Paperback with Flaps
Pages : 48
140 x 190 mm
5.60 €

Content : Viktor Frankenstein is a young Swiss scientist with crazy talent. He is obsessed with the human body and more particularly with the brain. Convinced that he can breathe life into any inanimate object, he creates by a stormy night a monster from human remains taken from corpses... Finally, the creature comes to life! Far from rejoicing, Viktor realizes the abomination he has just made. However, it is too late.

Discover the new series of novels for children from 8/9 years-old on the cult stories of the monsters and legends that shape our popular culture!
Written by the author of “My First Mythology” Hélène Kérillis. Double-pages with text and illustration to facilitate reading ; a quiz and various games at the end to test children’s understanding, and additional bonuses explaining the origins of this myth as well as its importance in our popular culture through several examples.

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