Cat on a Book

The Ogress and the Rainbow Bird
The Ogress and the Rainbow Bird
The Ogress and the Rainbow Bird

The Ogress and the Rainbow Bird

Original title : L'ogresse et l'oiseau arc-en-ciel
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : Tales of Yoga
Author : Thérèse Dufour and Marie-Claire Hamon
Illustrator/Photographer : Delphine Renon
Age : 5+
Format : Foam padded cover
Pages : 32
215 x 238 mm
11.95 €

Content : One of the parents leads the session (approximately 20 minutes) using expert advice and illustrated postures. This Indian tale and the dynamic postures linked to it provide children with real feelings of well-being while teaching them the value of mutual aid. Will Kala and Shami get read of the horrible ogress succesfully? Without a doubt! Unity is strenght!

Rights sold: English (India).