Cat on a Book

My Montessori Workshops - Colours
My Montessori Workshops - Colours

My Montessori Workshops - Colours

Original title : Les couleurs à observer, reconnaître et nommer
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : My Montessori Workshops
Author : Marguerite Rampale
Illustrator/Photographer : Bernadette Gervais
Age : 2+
Category : Board books
Format : Board book with round corners
Pages : 12
160 x 160 mm
7.80 €

Content : A little Montessori book to discover colors by observation. This book offers a learning of colors inspired by the pedagogy of Maria Montessori. By observing colors and associating them with realistic drawings, children naturally learn to recognize and name them. Then they are invited to find objects around them with this same colour.