Cat on a Book

Lace Knitting
Lace Knitting
Lace Knitting
Lace Knitting

Lace Knitting

Original title : Tricot dentelle
Collection : Knitting
Author : Viviane Deroover
Format : Soft cover
Pages : 72
195 x 245 mm
15.50 €

Content : The author offers readers 14 shawls and stoles, accompanied by an accessory (hat, headband or mittens). The models are knitted in natural materials and with colors in harmony with nature.
Take your pick and knit the perfect accessory to complete your outfit.
• The explanations are clear and simple with a few tips to use when knitting, finishing and shaping.
• All models are accompanied by colored diagrams, that help you easily spot the type of stitch.

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