Cat on a Book

I Tame my Fears
I Tame my Fears
I Tame my Fears
I Tame my Fears
I Tame my Fears

I Tame my Fears

Original title : J'apprivoise mes peurs
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : My Little Well-Being Workshops
Author : Frédérique Corre Montagu
Illustrator/Photographer : Aurélia Bertrand
Age : 6+
Format : Paperback
Pages : 64
220 x 280 mm
8.95 €

Content : 60 activities and tips to understand your fears and pump up your courage muscle!
Are you sometimes scared? It is normal! Everyone is afraid of something: both adults and children. Fear is sometimes a friend: it forces you to be careful, it also helps you get to know yourself. But sometimes it gets very sticky and keeps you from going well ... Learn to understand this emotion and calm it down with this notebook. With :
- Useful and surprising information to discover how it works, in your body and your brain.
- Various activities to express yourself and better understand your fears.
- Rituals to relax and to help you react.
- An anti-jitter box to cut and assemble.

So, are you ready to become bigger and stronger than your fears?

Rights sold: Romanian.

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