Cat on a Book

80 Easy Recipes Without Waste To Do Together As a Family
80 Easy Recipes Without Waste To Do Together As a Family
80 Easy Recipes Without Waste To Do Together As a Family

80 Easy Recipes Without Waste To Do Together As a Family

Original title : 80 recettes simples et anti-gaspi à faire en famille
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : Parenting - Early Learning Workshops
Author : Emmanuelle Geoffroy
Illustrator/Photographer : Emmanuelle Geoffroy
Category : Cooking, Parenting
Format : Paperback
Pages : 224
160 x 210 mm
13.95 €

Content : Cooking with children is one of the most enriching things you can do for them. Each step is important: choosing the recipe in the book, preparing the list with ingredients needed, following the instructions…
It is an opportunity to understand the units of measurement, to enrich their vocabulary, to sharpen their fine motor skills, to learn precision and patience. What is more, the fact of cooking sensitizes them to essential values: respect of seasons, importance of healthy and varied food, the pleasure to share a good home-made meal, the pride of making a dish on their own and proclaiming: "I made it! “

This book offers 80 recipes classified following the seasons, for small or large tables.
Recipes for all the occasions: breakfasts, appetizers, main courses, snacks, desserts.
A sectioned presentation to simplify the steps: educational interests, technical sheet, material, ingredients. Each complicated gesture is indicated by a small icon.
Photos and gourmet recipes created by Emmanuelle Geoffroy, the famous “Casserole et chocolat(e)” instagramer! (Instagram content in French and English.)

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