Cat on a Book

Watercolour - Wildflowers
Watercolour - Wildflowers
Watercolour - Wildflowers
Watercolour - Wildflowers

Watercolour - Wildflowers

Original title : Aquarelle - Fleurs des champs
Collection : Painting
Author : Gaëtane Nicoulin-Béchir
Illustrator/Photographer : Gaëtane Nicoulin-Béchir
Format : Flexi-cover
Pages : 120
205 x 255 mm
24.50 €

Content : A benevolent approach to watercolour, with tips to train your painter's eye and as a bonus, recipes to enjoy the benefits of nature!

Passionate watercolourist and in love with nature, Gaëtane teaches readers the techniques to start and improve in watercolour. 20 wildflowers are studied step by step and 5 detailed projects are proposed to create compositions.

Her original creative process allows to develop your own style. It encourages a more contemplative painting and invites painters to marvel at the potential taste and the therapeutic or tinctorial properties of each plant.

Rights sold: English (worldwide), Spanish (Worldwide).

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