Cat on a Book

50 Kindergarten Activities to Build Self-Confidence
50 Kindergarten Activities to Build Self-Confidence
50 Kindergarten Activities to Build Self-Confidence

50 Kindergarten Activities to Build Self-Confidence

Original title : Je cultive ma confiance en moi
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : Little Sprout
Author : Florence Millot
Illustrator/Photographer : Virginia Arraga
Age : 3+
Format : Paperback
Pages : 64
210 x 280 mm
7.95 €

Content : A book of 50 fun, practical activities to develop self-confidence on a daily basis and optimize learning skills in kindergarten! Activities designed to work with children over the long term.
Develop children’s self-confidence with this essential book.

With stickers to reward and encourage children!
A book designed by Florence Millot, child psychologist.

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