Cat on a Book



Original title : Arbres
Collection : Mini Léon series
Author : Hélène Kerillis
Illustrator/Photographer : Guillaume Trannoy
Age : 3+
Format : Paperback
Pages : 32
200 x 150 mm (portrait)
9.00 €

Content : Leon the little chameleon invites himself into the realm of trees. Common or notable, trees punctuate the landscapes and inspire artists. And a growing forest enables the entire earth to breath better!
Leon - the hero of the collection - interacts in an original and playful way with thirteen works of Art from different eras and cultures. Each interaction is highlighted by a sentence in French and English.
Content: Klimt, Sandy Skoglund, Derain, Rousseau, Grandma Moses, Cézanne, Winslow Homer, Rebecca Campbell...

The collection:
Art, English and Fun, a vitamin-packed cocktail!
Leon is the young reader's companion: alternating humour, courage and reverie, he plays with Art in a most inventive way. Each book explores a theme through 13 works of Art from various artists, eras and cultures. A sentence in both French and English emphasizes the interaction on each page. At the end of the book there is a documented double-page and ideas of activities.

In the same collection :