Cat on a Book

Counter of Spices
Counter of Spices
Counter of Spices
Counter of Spices
Counter of Spices

Counter of Spices

Original title : Comptoir des Epices
Collection : Cooking
Author : Corinne Fleury (texts), Pramod Gobin (recipes)
Illustrator/Photographer : Anthony Vallet
Category : Cooking
Format : Hard cover
Pages : 184
215 x 235 mm
29.50 €

Content : This book offers readers a wonderful journey in the world of spices. Since Antiquity, spices revealed the world greatest empires' desire for exotism.
The first part of the book traces the story of spices in the world: when and how they were discovered. Then, 18 recipes by Pramod Gobin, chef of Le Pescatore in Mauritius are available. Recipes with spices and herbs that can be found in the culinary culture of the island.

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