Cat on a Book

I Develop my Child's Interest for Nature
I Develop my Child's Interest for Nature
I Develop my Child's Interest for Nature
I Develop my Child's Interest for Nature

I Develop my Child's Interest for Nature

Original title : J'éveille mon enfant à la nature
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : Parenting - Zen Parents
Author : Sylvain Wagnon
Illustrator/Photographer : Adejie
Category : Parenting
Format : Paperback
Pages : 96
160 x 210 mm
7.95 €

Content : Would you like to make your child more respectful of nature? To help him/her to really observe it and acknowledge its virtues? Today, transmitting good habits to children is one of the educational and ecological issues that must be taken into account. More than ever, we are invited to reduce our waste and to be attentive to our consumption.
It is difficult for parents to shake up their busy schedules and change their habits to take the time to connect with nature and awaken children to its benefits. Busy days rarely leave the time to devote ourselves to times of sharing and discovery in the nature.
Never mind, because you have in your hands THE book that will give all the solutions to make children aware of the wonders of nature, to help them know it better and respect it!
- Short and clear explanations from Sylvain Wagnon, specialist in alternative pedagogies, to better understand the benefits of nature on your child's development;
- The 50 games, tips and activities to offer children over the seasons will help them gradually become more autonomous, arouse their curiosity and creativity and channel their emotions.

Breathe, open this book and find serenity!

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