Cat on a Book

I Help my Child to Overcome his Fears
I Help my Child to Overcome his Fears
I Help my Child to Overcome his Fears
I Help my Child to Overcome his Fears

I Help my Child to Overcome his Fears

Original title : J'aide mon enfant à dépasser ses peurs
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : Parenting - Zen Parents
Author : Florence Millot
Illustrator/Photographer : Adejie
Category : Parenting
Format : Paperback
Pages : 96
160 x 210 mm
7.95 €

Content : Most children one day fear the dark or monsters or thunderstorms. Sometimes even Santa Claus! Childhood fears, however, can be life-sustaining experiences, as long as they are tamed. Quietly, but surely, you can help your child overcome them.
- Insights into the mechanisms of fear at different ages.
- 50 games to do with children to tame their fears, overcome them and change them into a force.

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