Cat on a Book

Sexual violence: Prevent. Detect. Support.

Sexual violence: Prevent. Detect. Support.

Original title : Les violences sexuelles - Prévenir, Détecter, Accompagner.
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : Parenting - 10 Keys
Author : Patrick Loiseleur
Category : Parenting
Format : Paperback
Pages : 80
110 x 165 mm
4.95 €

Content : Sexual violence against minors has long been taboo. Faced with the new threats that have developed with digital technology, it is more essential than ever to guard against these crimes. Yes but how ?

Learning to spot suspicious behavior, listening and talking to your child using an appropriate vocabulary and accepting his words are all levers of action to raise awareness, support and protect him.

This book contains:
Insights into the nature of the different types of sexual violence, what the law says about it and the three levels of prevention (prevent, detect, support).
A multitude of effective and proven tips that complement these 10 keys to inform and support your child with benevolence and to guarantee his safety.

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