Cat on a Book

I Help My Child to Blossom at School

I Help My Child to Blossom at School

Original title : J'aide mon enfant à s'épanouir à l'école
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : Parenting - 10 Keys
Author : Soline Bourdeverre-Veyssière
Category : Parenting
Format : Paperback
Pages : 80
110 x 165 mm
4.95 €

Content : The school is the central place of learning for nearly 15 years. Helping making your child happy there is therefore an essential educational issue.

Before being a parent, you were also a student. Whatever your relationship to school, here is now a new challenge to take up: accompany your child throughout his schooling, reassure him and value his innumerable qualities in order to encourage him even more. With your help, your child will learn to learn.

This book contains:
Insights into how the brain works and different types of memories to support learning.
A multitude of effective and proven tips that complement these 10 keys to boosting your child self-confidence and helping him to thrive in the school environment.

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