Cat on a Book

Openwork Embroidery
Openwork Embroidery
Openwork Embroidery
Openwork Embroidery
Openwork Embroidery
Openwork Embroidery

Openwork Embroidery

Original title : Jours à fils resserrés
Collection : Embroidery
Author : Marie-Hélène Jeanneau
Format : Flexi-bound
Pages : 144
210 x 240 mm
28.50 €

Content : Also known as «jours à points comptés, «ajours» ou «fils écartés» this technique provides «jours» by simply tightening the threads of the fabric.
Nothing is cut, nothing is removed.
This embroidery takes off in the eighteenth century Europe and more particularly in the Dresden region. This is a basis of the Dresden embroidery and Schwalm embroidery (Germany).
In this book discover:
• This technique, perfect for decorating with elegance and refinement table linen, curtains, clothes, etc,
• a Bible of nearly 200 points and patterns,
• written explanations, drawings and picture of the result.

Rights sold: English (UK, US), Russian.

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