Cat on a Book



Original title : Furoshiki
Collection : Craft
Author : Aurélie Le Marec, L'Atelier du Furoshiki
Format : Soft-cover
Pages : 120
220 x 220 mm
16.50 €

Content : How to pack with fabric: a Japanese Art.

Japanese technique of folding and knotting fabric – Furoshiki - is used for wrapping gifts and carrying objects of daily life.
Furoshiki also refers to the square of fabric used during folding.

An ecological attitude in everyday life: Furoshiki has become the symbol of the Mottainai (Japanese concept of zero waste) and the 3R policy (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle).
This technique is easy to use in the everyday life and reduces considerably our consumption of plastic bags and paper packaging.

Enter the Zero Waste movement!

Rights sold : German, English (worldwide).

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